
Thursday, March 29, 2012


Disciple... Following Jesus and being like him.   I feel very inspired by Andy Stanley's current series at the Northpoint Community churches called "Christians."  I want to talk about it with a review and my thoughts on his BRILLIANT message.  It reminds me of the true meaning of the word disciple and how Jesus changed the world.  The series discusses how Christian was not a name we gave ourselves but one that other people gave us.  The word Christians is only used a couple times in the Bible.  So if the name is barely mentioned in the Bible what did Jesus' followers call themselves?  Disciple is the word consistently mentioned throughout the Bible instead of Christians.

In the Bible Jesus commands his disciples to LOVE one another.  This is what Jesus calls us to do... Love one another.  John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another!" Andy pointed out that any time people put more emphasis on anything else other than love, we are going in the wrong direction and backwards.  People fight wars in the name of religion, churches take and use authority to leverage power but this was not what Jesus was truly about! 

Love, it is all about love. Acting like Jesus. The whole "What Would Jesus Do" idea was right on target.

A lot of people don't like Christians because they feel like we are judgmental.  From my perspective I would say for certain Christians this is the case.  I previously thought that we shouldn't judge anyone.  When in fact the only people Christians need to worry about is other Christians.  No one who is not a Christian ever said they would commit to the things Christians signed up for themselves.  In 1 Corinthians 5:9-12 it references that Christians need to be judging each other and hold another accountable for our actions.

Some people have to figure things out on their own.  We have to know what life is like without Jesus to know what grace we can have THROUGH Jesus.  With grace we are all forgiven.  It is through humbling ourselves that we receive grace.  It is when you realize you desperately need forgiveness that you can pray honestly to God that you need his grace.  Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you come back to the church and realize you need Jesus in your life as your Lord and Savor.
If we do this we will make disciples when people feel loved and accepted for who they are and not condemned.  Matthew 28:19-20 says "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.

So the lesson here is love one another and don't criticize other people, unless you are calling attention to a Christian who is sinning. Love one another and don't judge outsiders.

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