
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Down and Out after an Amazing Game Tuesday Night

The missing ball's replacement
Kyle was really sweet and after I lost my blue Nike Soccer ball he went to the store and bought me a new one to replace it.  So I was all excited about having my new ball to play soccer with at the game.  I got there early and was warming up with our keeper Jeff and everything was going well for the game we were about to have.

We started the game and right away we moved the ball up field and my friend Jen G and Marta  both scored goals so we were up 4-0.  I remembered this team and I think we either tied them or they won last time so there was a sense that we needed to continue to play well.

One thing we definitely had going for us is our whole team or most of our team was there.  We were missing Marc and Charlie but we had almost a full roster.  We ended up winning 7-3 and it was amazing the first real game of the season. 

The only problem was I hurt my ankle by hyper-extending it. But yesterday I took the day off work to rest my ankle and let it rest and ice it down.  So now it's Thursday and I feel much better!  Tomorrow I will be back to work!

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