
Friday, May 18, 2012

One Compliment

Isn't it funny how one compliment or good deed can totally change  your outlook and mood?  Words and actions can be so powerful.  They can convey love and appreciation bringing and lifting a persons spirit or they can be weapons to bring someone down.  Obviously everyone would love to be encouraged.  There is a cycle of love and it can all start with someone choosing to love.  If you are having tension in a relationship and things seem difficult, saying something encouraging or doing something to please or help the other person can change the trajectory of the relationship.  Love is always a choice.  In the midst of any circumstance we always have a choice how we can respond.

Every decision we make will change and set into motion other actions.  Most people go through life reacting to situations instead of being intentional.  It is all about being intentional.  How we respond is so important.  One of the biggest things I have learned is when you say something you can never take it back.  We get one shot for a relationship and if the trust is broken that is it in a lot of cases.  It is also great to be consistent in your words and actions.  You just never can know how much something will mean to someone whether positive or negative.

I love when people go out of their way to let you know they notice your hard work and dedication to a job or endeavor.  Sometimes just knowing people care can make all the difference in the world. Knowing that you are instrumental to a goal or a mission and you are helping execute and work towards a goal is pivotal.  Be the change you want to see in the world.  It can all start with a smile and a mind set to improve the lives of those around you through laughter, joy and love!!

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