I have been up to cooking some yummy treats and dinners with Kyle. We made shish-kabobs for dinner Friday. We made some that had chicken, pineapple, onions, zucchini, and squash. Then we had separate ones for potatoes. We did that because we knew the potatoes had to cook longer. Kyle did a great job manning the grill, we added some of Emril's "Essence" and salt and pepper. You have to have skewers to make it all work. Cook until done and enjoy. The end was a delicious dinner!
We went to Six flags recently and that was a ton of fun. Walking around waiting in line with all your friends is a good time. But when it comes time for the rides, get ready, get set, and go. Don't blink because they go faster than you think and then they are done. My favorite was Superman. You literally fly and soar over the park at speeds greater than 75 miles per hour! What a rush. I tried to win a prize, unsuccessfully. I played this game that you try to get a little ring around the bottle tops. I remember a while ago my dad won me a prize. That was something! Kyle helped me and neither one of us could do it, we were discouraged.
This weekend we were relaxing. We went to a Halloween party on Friday after the shish-kabobs. It was at my friends house, and it was a house warming party. I can't say what I dressed up as because it is not Halloween yet and I still want to keep it a secret.
We also went to the pumpkin patch near our house in Woodstock, called Berry Patch Farms. The experience was amazing. There were hayrides over to the pumpkins, where you can pick out your very own pumpkin! I wanted a tall big pumpkin (it ended up weighing 32 lbs) Kyle's pumpkin was big and round, he kept saying it looked like a tomato. His was 22 lbs. There we bought pie pumpkins perfect for baking pumpkin pies. I sat on a vintage tractor and we got lots of pictures.
Then Saturday I baked two Pumpkin pies from scratch! I used my Joy of Cooking Cookbook, and the result was an amazing compliment. My Mother in Law said, "This is the best pumpkin pie I have ever had!!!!!!!!!!" Considering she is an amazing cook I was very happy! We had both of Kyle's parents over because it was his dad's birthday.
Then Sunday we went to the Falcon's game and they blew it out of the water! I was a big win! We were sitting in the bottom level and it was fun times to be had by all. We went from there to the Buckhead church and the service was amazing. Click here to watch the service on line. I love finishing my weekends that way!
Ha! A skewer tip I learned in a real Viking Cooking Class: soak the skewers in water ahead of time, and they won't catch on fire. I'd never had that problem, but apparently some people do. Ha. You've inspired me to do some skewing. Also, my favorite on skewers is a recipe we did in Hawaii all the time: mushrooms wrapped in bacon!! Delicious!!